The Order of St. Columba is a Western Orthodox community of clerics that follow that Rule of St. Columba in their daily life. In Holy Orthodoxy, a personal rule of prayer is required by all, especially the Priest. Those men who wish to follow the Rule of St. Columba and wish to have a community to associate with others doing the same may join the Order. We are a fraternal brotherhood of men, seeking after Christ by the example of our Father amongst the Saints and Enlightener of Scotland, St. Columba of Iona. Our community meets every Sunday at 6pm for prayer and reflection.
Some may ask if the Order is orthodox, the answer is yes! In the Orthodox Church, in the mid 6th century, we see the arrival of St. Columba and his priests. These men lived under a common rule and had a common life, but what you come to see is that the common life included married men and their families coming to live at with the brotherhood. As the Celtic world continued, the missionary work was done by priests, who took the place of secular priests who were married, lived under the Rule of St. Columba and continued the work of a missionary with their families. One such example is the Monastery of Durham whose Abbacy was inherited Father to Son before the conscriptions against a married clergy in the 12th century by the Roman Catholic Church.
Our Order continues the mission of the Columban Priests and Brothers to be missionaries and peregrine of Jesus Christ. We answer this call by following our Bishop, working under his omophorion in Holy Obedience and live the life of missionary disciples of Jesus Christ. Many of us are Priests, some are brothers, sisters, or companions. If one is joining the Georgia Deanery, they may join the Order if they feel called to by the Holy Spirit, and if they desire to live the rule of St. Columba and be clothed in this most peculiar cassock of our community. It is a cassock that goes back to the 6th century and is one of the oldest rules and Orders of our Holy Orthodox Catholic faith.