Br. Bartimaeus preaches from the Mission of St. Cuthbert of Lindisfarne for the 23rd Sunday After Trinity on the need for Priesthood instituted by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The Prior of the Order today releases a public statement regarding the recent vote by the brothers of the Order in concerns to affiliation and action in the Order's missions and identity.
This month the Order welcomes three new men into formation to become missionary brothers, one of which is a Priest from the Society of St. Dunstan. These men will continue over the next (9) months to study to become Columban Brothers in the Order and be clothed on June 8th with the culmination of the annual retreat.
Prior Bartimaeus's letter for the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord has now been published. In it he encourages all to continue to strive to live the life of theosis and to become another alter christus in the world.
The Order of St. Columba will celebrate Catechetical Sunday this year on September 15, 2024. Men who are interested in joining the Order will be given the opportunity with a Come and See event.
Brothers and Sisters of our Lord Jesus Christ, it is with great joy that we announce that services with the administration of the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist will resume on September 1st at our Mission locations.