Welcome Frs. Bartimaeus and IgnatiosMay God Grant them Many Years!
Pray for Vocations to the Priesthood/holy-orders_self
The Deanery of St. Jacob Netsvetov is a part of the Orthodox Patriarchate of Nations and under the Omophorion of the Archeparch of St. Peter the Aleut. The Patriarchate boasts over 100 bishops, in over 22 countries and on 5 continents. As an Autocephalous Orthodox Church, it serves the people where it is established for the glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The current Deanery covers mostly Georgia, with future missions proposed in locations around the Southeast.
The Orthodox Patriarchate of Nations teaches everything that the Eastern Orthodox Church believes and professes. As Orthodox Priests and deacons here in the Deanery, we are dedicated to spreading the Gospel message of Jesus Christ as is understood in the Orthodox Faith, to build up the Kingdom of Heaven and to bring all people to Father through the Head, and King, of our Church, Jesus Christ.
On Saturday, February 2, 2025, Archbishop Marius Sidau ordained Br. Adam Bartimaeus to the most Holy Priesthood. The Deanery welcomes our first Dean and wishes him many years in his ministry.
Today in many Anglican circles, especially Anglo-Catholic, the celebration of St. Charles I is prominent. In the Deanery, it is not permissable to celebrate St Charles I in a public liturgy, but rather can be done in private devotion. This is due to his theological beliefs, which do not have conformity with the Orthodox faith, or the Fathers of the Church.